Brian Thomson wrote:
> I'm attempting to compile FlightGear 0.9.9 on Linspire 5.0.
> Compiling simgear 0.9.9 went fine
> /usr/lib/  undefined reference to

Heh, methinks you're doing a bit more than "compiling" there.  As a
hint for the future: when you hack at your software and discover that
you've instroduced a bug and need to ask for help, it generally works
much better if you tell the developers what it is you have been doing.
Your use of "attempting to compile" might otherwise lead us to believe
that you were using the same build system that the rest of us are. :)

Briefly: much of the "test" code in the trees likes to link against
libraries which contain (unused) code that depends on other libraries.
When the linker can see them all on the command line, it can figure it
out.  But the runtime linker isn't nearly so bright, and needs to be
told explicitly which libraries to load in to resolve missing symbols.
So your shared libraries either need to list all the dependent
libraries when you link them, or you need to play games with
LD_PRELOAD to make sure everything is there.


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