On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 00:49:14 -0600, you wrote:

>Of course - which is where the Wiki comes in as I see it.  Up to date 
>information that's very easily kept that way... Not a replacement for the 
>conventional docs, but I do feel the link on the FG website could be slightly 
>more prominent - even folk who were actively looking for it have failed to 
>find it.

The wiki would be very useful place for users to find up to date, if
incomplete, help with issues that are too recent or changing to make
it into official documentation.

If the content stays relevant long enough, the wiki can become the
basis for the official documents, as in this case.

It would be helpful if common ways of working with FlightGear and ways
of resolving issues were posted to the wiki, even in incomplete form,
they would be a big help to those new to FlightGear. A good example is
the autopilot confusion. If I have time, I can add something on that
today. Or for example, that it is okay to use the 0.9.8 scenery with
the 0.9.9 release---something that can take much longer to update on
the official website than a wiki page.


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