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Yus my two cent:

Paul Surgeon schrieb:
> Problem 1  (external app) :
> Having the training session as a separate network app instead of being 
> integrated into FG is going to put off a lot of less technically minded 
> people.
> It requires that the user first install Python + pyao + pyogg + pyvorvis.
> Then they have to install the training packages and try to start FG together 
> with the simulator.
> I'd much rather code it in Nasal have it part of the FG package itself or as 
> an addon that can be unzipped into the FG tree and run as is.

This sound like a realy ugly solution.

(BTW: I think it's also ugly that you have to choose the plane in an
external program that called FGFS then. But that's a totally different
and old discussion)

> Problem 2 (Nasal approach) :
> I'd really like to use Nasal but there is no sane way to play audio files via 
> Nasal. Creating hundreds of properties in the property tree tied to audio 
> files isn't a nice solution.

This sounds like the real way to go.

Adding sound playback to Nasal should be easy to do (well I'm totaly out
of any recent FGFS source code, so what do I know?).

> Also FlightGear doesn't support Ogg Vorbis files as far as I know and having 
> a 
> lot of audio feedback from the instructor is vital and certainly makes the 
> whole process a lot more realistic and enjoyable.

As the other post wrote already: you can start with WAV first and as
soon as FGFS/OpenAL does support .ogg everywhere it's an easy recoding step.

> At the moment I'm at a standstill trying to figure out what to do.

It just looks like we need an Nasal function to play back a sound file
to get you going. Hold on. No you can start now: just start with the
displayed text messages first, sound/speech can be added later when
Nasal supports it.
(IMHO the instructions should offer text and speech. Speech to hear what
you should do now and text to read it in a few sceonds again if you've
got lost; and to be nice to deaf people as well)


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