Hi Curt,
I suppose I'm less sensitive to the abrupt change problem as most of the scenery both face material and triangle edges show some form of abrupt change due the the mountainous terrain that covers most of the country.

Personally I like the blending solution for edges although this still doesn't solve the stretching problem. This could possibly be done for both face material changes and slope changes (smoothed edges)

There seem to be two issues;
a)  the stretching on slopes and
b) the seamless edges.

At the moment we have pretty much seamless edges on adjacent tiles of the same face material. This isn't the case for edges on adjacent tiles of different face material.

This is a known issue. I suggested a way to try and get a handle on it, unfortunately this would be at the cost of seamless edges. But this investigation process doesn't have to effect the production version. Could this be done locally by someone who can implement different slope alogrithms and report back findings.

I think the objective data would assist, rather than what appears to be most subjective assessment albeit very well educated.

I might be way off target here and I hope that I haven't caused offence to anyone. I realise I'm making rather bold statements for a newbie.


From: "Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
dene maxwell wrote:

Hi Paul,

From: Paul Surgeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Sunday 15 January 2006 10:25, dene maxwell wrote:
> Hi Paul, to my way of thinking the resolution is not important. Pythagarus > is more important, the distance as seen in a birds-eye view as seen by FGSD
> is not the distance of the terrain. Hence if you cut a material to a
> birds-eye distance of say 10 what ever units it will be stretched to say > 14.14 units when the slope is 45 degrees. The greater the slope the larger > the slope distortion, in the nth degree a vertical slope will have zero
> length stretched to infinite length.
> Dene

What I mean is that from a "top down" view you need to increase the resolution
of textures on the slopes so that when you look at the slope from a
perpendicular angle you still get the same resolution as on flat ground.

Example :
If a flat piece of ground has a texture resolution of 1m/pixel then a slope of 45 degrees should also have a texture resolution of 1m/pixel if you look at
it from a perpendicular perspective.


A 45 degree slope viewed from the *top* should have a texture resolution of
0.707 m/pixel. So from a "top down" view the texture resolution will be
higher. This will "unstretch" those slope textures.


this certainly seems to follow the geometric logic. One problem...it doesn't seem to work.

Without being familiar with the code concerned, my impression is that this logic is not being applied in a way that produces the desired result or something very important is being over looked in the logic. Perhaps applying this sinusoidal algorithm is the problem, why not try giving all perspectives a 1m/pixel view and see if the result is more pleasing? This might aleast give some idea where the observed stretching is occurring....yeah?

Here's the downside though ... if you change the texture resolution or how you project the texture onto the surface based on slope, then you lose the seamless tiling across triangle edges. We eventually need to come up with a better way to blend/dither non-tiled edges together, but for the moment we can't do that.



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