One out of three times I start FlightGear, it immediately crashes back
out to the shell prompt with:

} FATAL: PUI: No Live Interface! Forgot to call puInit ?

I haven't seen anything systematic in either settings or aircraft for
which this occurs.  It's intermittent, and sometimes repeated tries are
necessary to start FG.  For example:

} stax:~-502> cvsfgfs --aircraft=aerostar-yasim
} FATAL: PUI: No Live Interface! Forgot to call puInit ?
 }stax:~-503> cvsfgfs --aircraft=aerostar-yasim
} FATAL: PUI: No Live Interface! Forgot to call puInit ?
} stax:~-504> cvsfgfs --aircraft=aerostar-yasim
} FATAL: PUI: No Live Interface! Forgot to call puInit ?
} stax:~-505> cvsfgfs --aircraft=aerostar-yasim
} FATAL: PUI: No Live Interface! Forgot to call puInit ?
} stax:~-506> cvsfgfs --aircraft=aerostar-yasim
} Initialising callsign using 'Aircraft/Aerostar-700/Models/aerostar.xml'
} Initializing Flight Director
} Initializing Nasal Electrical System
} Initializing Aircraft Systems

[ rest of successful startup and normal execution deleted ]

In the list archives, the only previous mention I see of this message
is from a year and a half ago, and it wasn't happening on startup.

Anyone else see this?  Anyone have an idea how to make it stop?



Chris Metzler                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                (remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

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