Melchior suggested me to move them to the center. Well I can't, they
have to scale separately around different centerpoints.

Yes you can. You scale them and then translate them to the points that
you want them. That's how all billboard animations have to be done. Take
a look at the link he posted, that is how it works.


As I see in donauturm.tar.gz, billboarding objects have to be positioned at the center of the 3d model first, because there is no way to tell the billboard animation to make the object spin around an arbitrary center. I first thought you meant "I have to scale it and translate it" inside Blender. I was wrong. I have to do this within the animation .xml file. Right?

Anyway I've found Blender is capable of positioning the pivot point wherever I want; although the problem remains, this pivot point is not saved in the .ac file. When I reopen the previously modified .ac file the pivot point is not remembered, all objects inside the .ac file have the pivot point in origin of the 3d space. Is that the cause for having that translation and scaling to be done with the scale/translate .xml animation?

IMO this practice is a little odd, and gives the modeller unnecessary workload. It's a pity :-( Anyway, I'll try to work things out using that technique.

 Thanks people,

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