Ok it would appear that I am the one being bagged here and in an effort
to learn I would like to now what the problem/problems are with the original
texture for the 737-300.
This was done using AC3D's texture mapping which I find very easy to use but it would appear that there is something wrong with the way AC3D does the mapping. So if someone could either send to me off list, or on, some examples of the problems and how they show up and what the fixes are then I am only to happy to learn. In the interests of having one united front on the 737-300 with one style of
texture sheet.
What I am trying to avoid here is several copies of the model spread through out


Hi Innis,
 thank you for your interest. I appreciate that.

I started using the 737 model distributed with FG 0.9.9, this differs a lot from the CVS version. That's why my TNT repaint does fit to the old model only.

I am using the CVS version now (I downloaded the 0.9.10pre3 win32-bin release, which I assume includes that one).
That has better texturing then the former one.
You can have my HLX 737-300 repaint at http://www.geocities.com/robitabu/aircrafts/737-300_HLX.zip and look at a snapshot at http://www.geocities.com/robitabu/aircrafts/737-300_HLX_snapshot.jpg

Doing a repaint does not involve modifying the UV mapping generally, so I don't. I simply modify the .rgb texture file applying custom paintings, that's the easy way to a repaint for most of the people.

There are a couple of issues which are not AC3D bugs or something like that; it's only the way you plan on making an UV mapping which makes a difference between an easily customizable texture and one which fits just to a few of models.

E.g. assuming there is some kind of simmetry on the models is often an error (think at the writings on both sides of the plane fuselage, they're obviously different because of the company logo which is generally not simmetrical). The Fokker100 texture has this problem.

The 737 inside v.0.9.9 did a trick using the same mapping for both sides of the rudder, which makes impossible to apply any kind of writings/logo on it because one side will show the good one and the other side will show the reversed (unreadable) one.

I saw some other problem with the 747 which has a partially, and broken in pieces, mapped fuselage (just for windows and company logo), so it's impossible to apply paintings which cover the whole lenght of the aircraft. There are other models which splits the fuselage mapping into smaller parts, that's good if you have to apply many little textures on it but not good at all if you have to apply an entire textures on the whole side surface.

As you see there are little issues which has to be taken care of if you want to let other people adding modifications to your models. I simply quit doing new repaints because it's frustrating. E.g. I was going to make some A320 repaints but the model has a partial texture which covers just a part of the fuselage and I can't put new painting which fit to the entire surface. Making a new repaint involves creating new UV mapping and releasing not only a new .rgb file with the texture, but instead a brand new .ac file too. I'd prefer not doing that and keep people using the .ac files they already have, and then letting them download a few add-on .rgb texture files only.

It's a pity things are so non-standard in this area of FG, there should be some guidelines which every A/C model could follow in order to make their work more customizable. Don't forget people in the world like to customize OpenSource stuff, it's one of it's potentials, you will loose this part of the fun if you create something unasable on that side.

Anyway, these are my ideas, I wish you have more ones so we will get something powerfull in the next time :-)


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