Hi everyone,

Sorry for length, but I want to be clear. Please bear with me.

Let me start by a heartfelt "thanks" to all who contributed a lot of nice models and objects, and to Jon, and Martin for keeping the database.

I am planning to spend some time with modeling a few landmarks myself. The following came from my attempts find out what others have already done, with a view to be able to reuse existing models or base on them the building of the new ones where possible.

I have some questions ("Q." paragraphs) about and some suggestions ("S." paragraphs) to FGFSDB.

Q. How the merging of the contents of the FGFSDB and CVS site "data/Models" and "data/Scenery/Objects" is managed?

Q. If one downloads the "global file" and unpacks it under "data/Scenery/Objects", at his own time, can he expect any future problems with CVS updates? Doing this occasionally would one be wasting time and bandwidth?

Q. Same question as above for "shared models" and "data/Models".

FGFSDB has two sections for actual content: one for "Models", and another for "Objects".

The "Objects" section is a list that one can filter based on a number of properties. This is very nice.

The "Models" section on the other hand, does not have the filtering, so one has to go through the long (and we hope, getting longer all the time) a minus relative to "Objects" section. But this section features pictures of the Models which is a plus relative to "Objects" section.

S. Why not arrange "Models" section as a filterable Table like "Objects" section?

S. Add a --let's say-- "Class" attribute, where one can specify a --preferably one-word-- broad class of the Model. E.g. "bridge", "monument", "building", etc. These can be fixed list filterable from a drop down menu, or simply string searched.

S. Pictures are very good to have. We need them for Objects too.

S. Pictures can be made into an album, or two (separate ones for "Models" and "Objects" classes). Cross-links would be great to/fro between Album thumbnail captions and Table entries and vice versa.

If all these were available today, that's what I would do:

- browse all the bridge pictures
- find all the similar bridges to what I want to add to my town
- get few closest ones and open them in Blender to take a closer look
- pick one
- work it into the size/color, or modify structure details
- when satisfied, submit it back to FGFSDB with credits to the original author

I will still do these but it will take a long time, and we want to allow people to contribute most conveniently so that they spend their time on refining the models instead of searching manually.

Thanks for listening, and --hopefully-- arguing.

Yavuz Onder (a complete ignoramus of web-site-building who cannot offer any help on these suggestions :-( )

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