Martin Spott wrote:
Stefan Seifert wrote:
That may be a problem, that could affect FGLive, too:

Well, you never know which intention sits behind the mentioned EMail,
you don't even know the author.
Bear in mind that Bill Gates or Steve Ballmer would be credible candidates for authorship of something like this. Look what it's done already - closed down a potential competitor to M$...

Maybe it's just a 'symptom', a
side-effect of the fight about the Right Way (TM) on how to use OpenGL
for desktop eye candy, probably driven by jealousy .... ?!?

There's been a Slashdot thread covering this at:

I suggest you read at +2 or better to filter out the worst of the loonies, but opinions on Slashdot are clearly divided between the "linux must never be distributed on the same medium as any non-GPL code" camp versus the "nothing wrong - binary drivers aren't part of the kernel itself, they just use it" camp.

My opinion sides with the latter.

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