Dave Culp wrote:
But it doesn't. Seems like an oversight to me. I'm trying to model a
'plane with almost no dihedral AFAICS and I'm not sure what to twiddle
in the .xml file to get that effect.

My advice is don't worry about it.  Is there something about the way the 
Colditz Glider is flying that doesn't seem right?

Yeah - it flies too well!

It's got almost no dihedral, so I'd expect it to be pretty unstable in roll.

Having said that, and though I've never flown anything other than a hang-glider for real, I find the c172 to be rather *too* unstable in roll for my liking. It's not obvious to me (yet) how the effects of dihedral are handled in jsbsim, so it's not easy to experiment with changes in those values.


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