Jim A wrote:

>All very good, and a great technical challenge.  But, maybe a branch called 
>"FloatGear" would be in order?   ;-)
I love it! Thanks - that made me smile first thing in the morning.

>....then there are land vehicles  -- for transportation, sport, and 
Or "TopGear" (or "IntoGear") :-)

>It would be cool to have the Nimitz (and others) respond to sea state, and the 
>visual eye candy of the water to look appropriate to the sea state condition.
>These thoughts all seem daunting, but seeing what this community has 
>accomplished thus far, it could very well happen.

Indeed - however my suggestion would be that should the world-system of 
FG get used for things other than flight simulation, that it doesn't get 
branched. Branching just makes maintainance more difficult and breeds 

It is probably best that people wanting to use FlightGear as a "world 
engine" for other things (like ship sims) just get on with it using the 
code "as is", but keep talking on this list so that mainline code 
developers can try and avoid doing things that deliberately break those 

Should something like a ship-sim become popular (and people have asked 
about ship sims on here before) then maybe its code might enter FG's CVS 
repository, just like a new flight-sim engine might. (There are at least 
three flight-sim engines in there already.)

It might even happen that FlightGear code becomes three or more 
conceptual lumps, rather than the two is is now (SimGear & FlightGear). 
SimGear is already starting to look like a great load of astronomy stuff 
could be broken out into - er - "EphemGear"? :-)

I shall keep an interested eye on whatever improvements are suggested 
(and made) to the oceans in FG. The development people will probably 
already want to allow for things like aircraft carriers to behave more 
naturally - if they keep that in mind, hooking in a sailing ship later 
should be straightforward.


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