>From: Ron Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>On Sat, 2006-06-03 at 14:57 +1200, dene maxwell wrote:
> > I checked the Aircraft/Spitfire/spitfireIIa-set.xml and there were no
> > leading "/" on any of the other file references I could find.
>Erik didn't say file references, he said property references.
I couldn't see where he said either...I assumed file references...

> > I did find that by deleting the sections in the
> > Aircraft/Spitfire/Models/spitfire_model.xml that relate to making 
> > parts of the invisible when the view is "0"
> >
> >     <!-- hide all of the model not visible from the cockpit -->
> >     <animation>
> >       <type>select</type>
> >       <object-name>Hull</object-name>
> >       <object-name>Hull-Aft</object-name>
> >       <object-name>Stub-Wing-R</object-name>
> >       <object-name>Stub-Wing-L</object-name>
> >       <object-name>Flap-Inner-R</object-name>
> >       <object-name>Flap-Inner-L</object-name>
> >       <object-name>Flap-Outer-R</object-name>
> >       <object-name>Flap-Outer-L</object-name>
> >       <object-name>Cover-Lower-M</object-name>
> >       <object-name>Cover-Lower-F</object-name>
> >       <object-name>Cover-Lower-A</object-name>
> >       <object-name>Cover-Engine-Side-L</object-name>
> >       <object-name>Cover-Engine-Side-R</object-name>
> >       <object-name>UC-Main-L</object-name>
> >       <object-name>UC-Main-R</object-name>
> >       <condition>
> >         <not>
> >           <equals>
> >             <property>/sim/current-view/view-number</property>
>This is a property reference.  If you are in your cockpit it will hide
>all parts of the Spitfire not visible from the cockpit.  Change this one
>line to read:
>               <property>sim/current-view/view-number</property>
>and the Spitfire should work properly. (Not tested, this is my read of
>Erik's post.)
> >             <value>0</value>
> >           </equals>
> >         </not>
> >       </condition>
> >     </animation>
> >
> > that the "missing" parts of the aircraft re-appeared.... I suspect that
> > (atleast under 098a) a separate [aircraft]-model-AI.xml is needed for 
> > of the aircraft that have these sort of conditional entries.
> >
> > ie something that caters for;
> >
> > gear-up/gear-down
> > flaps-up/flaps-down
> > tail-up/tail-down (for tail-draggers)
> > engine-running/engine-stopped
>If the property list in the AI model uses starts with a "/" then the AI
>model uses the main aircraft's property.  The main aircraft is rooted at
>"/"  If the property does not start with a "/" then the model will use a
>property under the AI tree...  It's late for me...  Does that make

Ah...BING...the light comes on...but how are the properties for AI aircraft 
set...if I place an instance at 2000 ft elevation...how will the AI model 
know it should have the engine going? ( ie propeller disk instread of te 
stationary propeller?)

but yes, it makes sense .,.

:-D ene

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