Well, I think we should do some PR when FlightGear makes it to 1.0.
And there's also an aniversary coming up.
So by doing some PR we could get more attention, broaden our user-base and maybe get some more developers out of it.

>From what I can see, Curt has been doing alot of PR for the project already.
So we might just support his efforts and take some work of his shoulders.

As for me, I could dedicate some time to this.
However, I am not that familiar with everything and I would have to ask around for infos.
But I'd be happy to participate in some way.


Martin Spott wrote:
Martin Spott wrote:

As Mark already suggested, we'll try to place a larger article that
covers FlightGear when the 1.0 release happens - whenever this will

BTW, we should form a FlightGear PR department which consists of an
official press contact (where in fact all the work is being dumped  :-)
and a little 'corona' of people to whom the work should be delegated -
at least in theory.
I'd say Pigeon definitely belongs to the corona as he provides
invaluable support for the PR department with his work on the FGLive
CD. Who would like to participate, Mark ? Georg ? Does anyone like to
play the head of this department ? Somebody with limited programming
skills but with experience in this sector ?

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