--- Martin Spott wrote:
> Stuart Buchanan wrote:
> > The whole area of ATC/MP voice/text interaction is is an area that has
> > suddenly become very popular!
> As I understand, Holger in fact is aiming real, clean voice support,
> not in some 'chimaera' - no matter how good it may become.
> Personally I think I'd never like to touch a voice interface that I
> would have to handle by emitting predefined messages via keyboard
> shortcuts. In my eyes having these predefined messages invalidates most
> of the realism (excitement) that is implemented in ATC communication.
> This is my personal attitude and I sincerely respect that yours is
> different. Maybe you are already on the right track into future, where
> ATC institutions are trying to obsolete voice ATC at all, trying to
> handle all this stuff by automated procedures  :-(
> I love the world of flying where ATC is really voice-based and this is
> why I'm very happy that Holger takes on this challenge.

I don't think my opinion is all that different from yours. Holger's
approach is by far the more realistic. In fact I feel a bit embarressed
that I didn't investigate using VoIP and Asterisk myself - though I will
claim ignorance of the domain in my defence. Certainly I probably wouldn't
have developed the text chat if the timing of Holger's announcement had
been earlier.

I think it will immediately obselete my patch apart from a couple of

1) Text-based chat is easier to integrate with an AI ATC system, though
John's comments suggest that using ASR could get around this

2) The VoIP client will not be part of the FG binary and therefore harder
for beginners to use. As it stands it requires knowledge of the I/O
subsystem. While some improved documentation will help this, we'd really
want it integrated into the binary releases and the FG wizard.

3) It isn't completely clear how using Asterisk scales with the number of
users and frequencies. Do we put the frequency-filtering inside the client
(and therefore have all concurrent users within the same "conference"), or
do we have a conference for each discrete frequency ?

None of these are major issues right now, and I think Holger's approach is
very exciting.

BTW - has anyone actually used the text chat feature? If it dies a death
due to lack of interest I suggest we back it out.


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