On Wednesday 18 October 2006 22:27, Andy Ross wrote:
> Lee Elliott wrote:
>  > Melchior FRANZ wrote:
>  > > Weird:
>  > > http://cgi.ebay.com/FLIGHTGEAR-2006-PROFESSIONAL-AVIATION
>  > >-FLIGHT-SIMULATOR_W0QQitemZ160036333084QQcmdZViewItem
>  >
>  > It is actually FlightGear - this person appears to have
>  > re-packaged FG i.e. basic system with most of the more
>  > complete aircraft included i.e.
>  >
>  > I found no mention that this stuff is covered by the GPL or
>  > if the source-code is included/available, which I believe
>  > is a requirement of the GPL.
> This subject came up on IRC a few days ago.  I sent the guy a
> nice email explaining the requirements, and pointing out that
> the easiest way to do this is to explain in the auction that
> this is an open source project hosted at www.flightgear.org.
> He replied that he already includes the source code and GPL in
> the package, but that he would be happy to add a
> flightgear.org link to the auction.  I haven't gone back to
> check.
> There's actually nothing wrong with selling free software for
> money, so he's basically fine.  It's just slightly misleading
> to do so without explaining that it is also freely available.
> Andy

If he's complying with the GPL by including the source and a copy 
of the GPL then, as you say, he's perfectly entitled to sell it.  

It was because the of way and style that he presented the 
packages that made me a bit suspicious.  Also, I'm not so sure 
about re-naming it  "FlightGear 2006 Professional"

As FG is still at version 0.9 and the consensus of the developers 
seems to be that FG isn't ready for a Vn 1.0 release yet, having 
someone selling it as the 'latest' professional version might 
not do the project's reputation any good.

Personally, it doesn't bother me too much as I just use FG to 
experiment and play with, and then offer whatever results I come 
up with to the project, to do with as it pleases.  The only 
thing that slightly bothers me about someone passing off any of  
my work as part of a  "FlightGear 2006 Professional" package is 
that I don't consider any of my work to be of commercial quality 
and I wouldn't want anyone else to think that I did so.


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