
and here's another one.

Among other changes I added versions of the SimGear and FlightGear
products using the plib branch to ease comparison with OSG. To use them run

        make disableall enable-FlightGear_plib

before making 'all'. The plib-versions and the OSG-versions need to be
installed in different prefixes, otherwise each overwrites the other
one. I do this using the following sequence.

        make disableall enable-FlightGear
        make PREFIX=<osg-version-prefix> reconfigure FlightGear
        make disableall enable-FlightGear_plib
        make PREFIX=<plib-version-prefix> reconfigure FlightGear_plib

One could use also different build directories - and I intend to make
this easier together with different configurations (prefix, set of
enabled and disabled packages, etc.) - but with the sequence above you
minimise the amount of double-compilation of packages which are shared
by the OSG- and the plib-version of FlightGear.

You can find the build system at


> 2006-11-10  Ralf Gerlich  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * added Mathias' new OSG patch make sure to OpenSceneGraph-unpatch in
>  the old builder if you reuse your src directory in the new builder
> * renamed package FlightGear-base to FlightGear_base due to problems 
> with dashes in product names
> * added explicit messages when disabling or enabling
> * added targets <product>-reconfigure and reconfigure to force 
> reconfiguration of products, e.g., when changing the PREFIX
> * added simple conflicts management (see SimGear_plib dependencies)
> * added SimGear_plib and FlightGear_plib using the old plib branch
> * added disableall target

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