On Sat, 2007-04-28 at 10:19 +0100, Nick Warne wrote:
> On Saturday 28 April 2007 02:40:57 Pigeon wrote:
> > > I just finished a fresh compile of FG and OSG today, then I've found a
> > > bug (which I've been told to be solved in the past): I can pilot not
> > > only one, but two airplanes ;-) it is quite a funny bug, so I took some
> > > snapshots: http://seb.marque.free.fr/fichiers/flightgear/double/
> >
> >     Hi.
> >
> >     Seems to be a bug in the server, when one of the relay server's
> > doesn't lookup (in this case, mpserver03.flightgear.org is down and
> > doesn't resolve an IP).  Guess it doesn't handle the error properly and
> > starting to route packets back to itself. I'm seeing every MP appearing
> > twice in the server log.
> >
> >     It's now temporarily fixed by removing it from the relay. Please
> > double check on any/all MP servers. Thanks.
> This is what I said in IRC - we need a 'master' list of current mpservers so 
> that all server 'runners' can keep the relays current and up-to-date.
> At the moment this only happens when somebody notices an error - or as I did 
> last week when I saw that mpserver01 had dropped my server from the relay, so 
> mpserver05 wasn't showing mpserver01 pilots.
> It is a bit of a mish-mash at the moment.
> Nick

Perhaps the user could be notified if data hasn't been received from the
server in the last 20(??) seconds as it would help diagnosing of this
situation. At least this would let the user know about the echo problem.



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