
I have a simple(?) question about the file keyboard.xml:

I have a property named /instrumentation/comm/ptt where I will show if a
PTT key for the communication radio is pressed. For this I use the key
"y" and this works fine (1=pressed, 0=unpressed). Now I want to use this
key in combination with Shift (= the upper key Y) or Ctrl-Y to represent
the value 2 in /instrumentation/comm/ptt.

I tried the following but I never get the value 2:

 <key n="121">
   <desc>Radio PTT</desc>
     <value type="int">0</value>
       <value type="int">1</value>

 <key n="89">
   <desc>Radio PTT NAV1-Mode</desc>
     <value type="int">0</value>
       <value type="int">2</value>

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Regards, Holger
#####  #### ##  ##   Holger Wirtz         Phone : (+49 30) 884299-40
##  ## ##   ### ##   DFN-Verein           Fax   : (+49 30) 884299-70
##  ## #### ######   Stresemannstr. 78    E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
##  ## ##   ## ###   10963 Berlin
#####  ##   ##  ##   GERMANY              WWW   : http://www.dfn.de
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