Syd&Sandy wrote:
> No its not a typo , I want a single string property to hold
> groundspeed ,TTG and ET , depending on which mode is selected for
> display on the Primus PFD....

OK.  You might want to make that property a string, though, or at
least an integer.  Storing a fracional number there and extracting
things via math is going to cause precision glitches.

As it happens, your example is affected by this: 2.3 is not exactly
representable as an IEEE double.  So you can get different results
depending on code path.  My example of multiplying it 100 actually
doesn't work, because 100*2.3 comes out as 229.9999999999999.

But if you really do have more than one value, don't be afraid of
putting them into separate property nodes.  They're cheap.


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