Here's a first stab at a glide slope tunnel visualization utility.
It's a rather short Nasal script which uses the new airportinfo()
function. It requires a *very* up-to-date FlightGear. To try it out
just put it into ~/.fgfs/Nasal/ or $FG_ROOT/Nasal/.  [2.4 kB]

The script checks in 5 second intervals for the nearest airport,
selects a "decent" runway and draws a glide slope tunnel for it
consisting of red squares.

There's much that can be improved. One could draw only the next
three or four squares instead of the whole tunnel, remove the
upper line (for better runway view), consider wind direction etc.
Also, one might prefer to be able to select a particular airport,
and have the tunnel drawn on the runway told by ATC, or one might
want a circuit tunnel for tutorials, etc. All doable.  :-)

There are also problems:
- as the airportinfo() function also returns heliports as nearest
  airports, the glide slope is often drawn much too late. It's
  therefore better to fly in not so crowded areas. (This needs
  to be fixed in simple.cxx.)

- the tunnel isn't aligned at a few runways. This could be a bug
  in terragear, which could also be responsible for wrong ILS
  behavior (see, for example, KOAK/9R).


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