Ralf Gerlich schrieb:
> Hello!
> Georg Vollnhals schrieb:
>> 1. Getting better scenery details for wide areas without buying any data
>> - the Landsat7 project
>> http://www.custom-scenery.org/Building-Scener.331.0.html
>> Here a semi-automatic scanning of prepared Landsat 7 pictures can result
>> into a much more detailed scenery. There are two areas available for
>> FlightGear, the "Berlin Linuxtag scenery" and (as far as I remember) the
>> "Bodensee scenery". Although the process of scanning these pictures is
>> not easy due to the low resolution and the software and AI is under
>> development the result was fascinating in my eyes.
>> The aim of this project is to enhance the local scenery worldwide
>> automatically by scanning the LS7 stuff. This is far! from working but a
>> very interesting branch of development.
> Well, it _is_ working, as you can see from the Custom Scenery examples
> on http://mapserver.flightgear.org/. The limiting factors currently are
> the simplification required so the TerraGear and FlightGear don't choke
> on the load of details we get from the low resolution imagery ;-) , and
> the second is making the process workable for average Joe User (which is
> mainly a problem of simplification, as well ;-) )
> I have documented the process of classification at
> http://www.custom-scenery.org/Building-Scener.331.0.html
> Martin is currently working on trying the process himself and maybe will
> be able to establish a webservice where users can retrieve parts of the
> Landsat imagery for their favourite area, produce a training vector map,
> e.g. using QGIS, submit that to the service again and retrieve
> automatically classified vector data. He has established close ties with
> the OSGeo foundation and we are allowed to use some of their topnotch
> hardware for this task.
> So, no, this is not "far" from working. In contrast, we are finally
> approaching a point where this can be applied generally, and it might be
> that Seb's work will allow us to use all the detail we can retrieve from
> Landsat.
> Cheers,
> Ralf

Hi Ralf,

you know yourself how much I appreciate your work and like the output -
just remember my words about the Berlin terrain in the GFF.

>>The aim of this project is to enhance the local scenery worldwide
automatically by scanning the LS7 stuff.
This "worldwide automatically" = "press the button I'll do the rest"  is
really far from working as you describe yourself. Actually there is a
lot of knowledge necessary to do the work and even if Martin will finish
his part you have to go through the training process for every LS7
picture as far as I understood all.

But your work will result in a big step forward to a better scenery,
together with tasks from other people, and even going through several
procedures before you'll get the result is nothing compared to the
manually Landsat7 picture scanning like I did for OSG areas and
obviously many OSG people do - even if OSG has a Tools with JOSM and the
LS7 background-area function a tool we are only dreaming of.

>>submit that to the service again and retrieve automatically classified vector 

I doubt that this will help most of the scenery-developers/users as long
as you cannot process these data due to that "cannot compile, cannot
use" TerraGear problem.


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