
> Sent: 08 November 2007 11:48
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] view handling news
> * Vivian Meazza -- Thursday 08 November 2007:
> > The model-view with multiplayer has been tested here and works very 
> > well.
> What doesn't work well yet is Nasal based chase view in 
> replay mode (fixed on my disk), and model view in fg/osg 
> (fixed on my disk). 
Replay is firmly off here (creates too much jitter - I can live without it),
and I haven't tested the new chase view. FG/OSG is barely usable here, and
the jitter fixes which work so well in pilb seem to have no effect on osg,
but I haven't given it a fair test yet. 
> > Well done Melchior
> Thanks. That's just the beginning. Once the remaining jitter 
> problems are solved the only limiting factor is our fantasy.  ;-) 

Just a back-seat view would do me for starters - I can come up with more I


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