Referring to a very old posting I found, Boris mentioned disabling the GUI.
Is this possible, and if so, how can it be done? Would it run much faster as a 
I need to do multiple runs in a short space of time. Unfortunately I also
need terrain data, so using JSBSim alone appears not to be the answer.

Boris Koenig 
    FliteTutor at

    Tue Nov  2 11:15:32 CST 2004
    Previous message: [Flightgear-users] Running FG with no GUI
Next message: [Flightgear-users] Re: Running FG with no GUI
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Magdalena Bugajska wrote:
> Is there a way to run FG without graphics?

You will need to provide more details about what it is
that you want to do, if you only need to have access to
a flight modelling application, you could decide to use
any of the FDMs that FlightGear uses.

Running FG itself without GUI isn't possible as far as I know -
simply because the GUI code is too tightly connected with all
the other code.

However, depending on what exactly you need to do you might
be able to disable the GUI output - if that's what you want
to do ...


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