On Fri, Nov 23, 2007 at 12:23:22PM +0100, AnMaster wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> I tried the Portaudio ALSA one, it compiled, on running: muted master. Jack I
> don't have installed so I can't test that. And as stated before, native ALSA
> does not compile. If it can't even keep track of what channel is Master and 
> what
> one is MIC something is very broken...

I will check this on 32bit this weekend. Perhaps broken alsa or iaxclient
code on 64bit.

> The information I gave about what sound card in an earlier mail may be helpful
> for this. I can also upload some screenshots of kmix after and before FGCOM
> messing it up if you want.

I quite believe it but I am amazed that there is no one who told me
this problem and I think most of the other testers are 32bit users.

> Further, on last try with Portaudio ALSA:
> Segmentation fault
> The seg fault was after a Shift-Space... Oh and as before it muted the wrong 
> stuff.

Same at my side. Hmmmm.... it seems to be a problem with the iaxclient
interface - but I cannot say if my interpretation of usage is wrong or
something inside... I will check this.


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