On Tuesday 26 February 2008 17:07, Georg Vollnhals wrote:
> LeeE schrieb:
> > On Tuesday 26 February 2008 00:54, Georg Vollnhals wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> beside ski-jumping snow-plows this could be a nice feature for
> >> FlightGear:
> >>
> >> http://www.myvideo.de/watch/3333690
> >>
> >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_aircraft_carrier_Admiral_
> >>Kuz netsov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukhoi_Su-33
> >>
> >>
> >> Regards
> >> Georg EDDW
> >
> > Heh - the FG SU-37 model was actually done from SU-27K
> > drawings, so apart from the uprated engines, vectoring nozzles
> > and the omission of the tailhook, it's really an SU-33:)
> >
> > LeeE
> Hi LeeE,
> your Su 37 is on duty in my flight hangar since a very long time
> and the most aerobatic aircraft I have - due to the thrust vector
> control. It has a breathtaking rollrate, is very stable to handle
> and has much power going into the sky like a rocket.
> I used it a lot for checking the scenery and mostly for just
> having a lot of fun. For this you don't need a 3-d-cockpit :-)
> Until I saw the video several times with the Su 33 taking off I
> thought the Harrier was the only jet to be capable for a take-off
> from a ship without a cat. This is russian aerodynamics and
> brutal jet power. Very impressing. If you read the wiki, it was
> not uncomplicated for the technicians and pilots to learn how to
> use the combination of this jet and the ski jump carrier deck.
> Did anyone test whether it works with the SkiJump.ac/xml model we
> have in the Models/fgsdb department? May be this ski jump is too
> small and the angle is too sharp as it is aimed to the Harrier.
> Anyway, I'll try it this late evening, just for fun.
> Otherwise - if I find enough info on the net - I'll try to build
> the deck of the Kuznetsov next weekend.
> Have fun!
> Georg

Thrust vectoring can be fun but I found that it has very little 
effect at low power settings, which makes sense when you think 
about it.

The roll sensitivity is really too high - I have a solution for that 
now, using reciprocal gain filters, but haven't implemented it 
yet - still trying it out on the YF-23 update I'm currently working 

It is an interesting design though and I'm pleased with the YASim 
config because it does seem to have the right characteristics.  One 
problem with it however, is that the YASim INCIDENCE control 
doesn't seem to work on mstab elements and although the canards are 
animated, changing their incidence doesn't seem to have any 
aerodynamic effect - they are effectively fixed-position flight 

I haven't tried the ski-jumps:)


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