
--- Georg Vollnhals <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> Hello Heiko and all readers,
> I am back again, having to add something.
> When I looked at the METAR format I discovered that
> turbulences are not
> described, only gusts (like 80/30G20 = wind from 80
> deg, 30 knots
> windspeed, gusts 20 knots).
> So I am not sure how it is handled within
> FlightGear. We have that
> "turbulence" slider in the weather menu and this
> value is not affected
> by the METAR data (as you checked) - but how are
> gusts handled within
> FlightGear?
> Maybe someone with more knowledge than me can
> acknowledge that
> "tubulence" and "gusts" are two different
> meteorological phenomenons and
> should treated different in the sim???
> Regards
> Georg
Turbulence = Turbulenz
gust = Böe

In the case of the LH A320 it was a sudden gust, but
it is difficult to say, because the turbulences of the
buildings around can cause a "gust" too.

But in FGFS we don't have a gust - it would be nice,
such like other weather phenomens affecting

Why we don't use the Google summer camp? Would be a

still in work: http://www.hoerbird.net/galerie.html
But already done: http://www.hoerbird.net/reisen.html

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