Dear all,
                I recently told Curt about a new partnership I have made with a 
Composer and media artist, who is willing to work in a voluntary none profit 
manner, Both Curt and myself are optimistic and we both have hopes of Hollywood 
:o) well wishful thinking perhaps! But still we can hope for some mutual 
benefits to this little arrangement in so far that as with any body of people 
working together this will generate more inspiration and a new avenue of 
productivity in media relations at the very least, this is beneficial to all 
concerned I would hope.

For web security I have thinned this letter down a little.

Richards response:

"Cheers Michelle,

Thanks for your in depth message.

I would be glad to give a cooperative non-profit/no money changing hands 
venture a try.

A track featured on the Shark site "Man Alone" was something similar in 
conjunction with the Singer/DJ xxx Robinson who contributed a vocal and edited 
the video at no cost.

I will give your movie clips a look but from the description I am sure your 
work will be of interest.

If you have read the blurb on the site I am sure you will have twigged that 
"Dave Dark and the Sharks is a ficticious pseudonym but it was too good a name 
to waste (I am good at thinking up band names).



This all started when I re-contacted a friend a few days ago, after she had 
initially made me aware of Richards work with the "Man Alone" Music Video" 

Richard knows a number of professional people in the Radio and TV Industry 
which if viable at sometime in the future COULD be developed into a more 
focused plan, of coarse breaking out into a wider means of media coverage would 
require more commitment and could be very rewarding but that is speculative and 
for future consideration if need should arise.

I am not short of idea's I have tons of idea's for these movies, it is 
application and development which is uncertain, the most important thing now is 
a deeper concentration in quality for the main movie releases, and not quantity 
at this stage.

The good news is Richard is now writing a specialy composed theme tune for 
Oleg, I am not sure at this early stage if we are going to have lyrics but it 
is a very positive step, we owe a great deal of gratitude to him for his kind 
support, let us hope this will be a new positive turning point in the movie 

All the Best Michelle (Aerotro)

Richards Website is  

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