On Fri, 29 Aug 2008 17:00:54 -0500, Curtis wrote in message 

> This is way way way off topic, but some of you mind find it
> interesting and I have a very small connection to this adventure.
>     http://junkraft.blogspot.com/

> The problem is that even though the plastic
> breaks up into smaller and smaller bits, the bits themselves don't
> really degrade (at least not in a timely fashion) and this stuff ends
> up inside fish and wild life, and blah, blah, blah, now I am starting
> to sound like a crazy environmentalist. ;-)
> My point (if I have one?) is that there is a growing problem.  

..another part of it:
play with dates to compare ice "acreage", these maps are Area Only,
for WAGs on total Arctic ice mass or ice volume, you will have look 
at ice loss or gain rates, e.g. from today past Election Day 2008.

..one possible thing we (FG) _can_ do, is put the ocean bed and sea
floors into the scenery, and model sea level rise, 200 meters below 
and 75 meters above today's sea level, will cover all UN scenarios 
and a few crazy fix proposals like these here:  ;o)

..macro engineering is _old_ news and happened before _we_ 
added 108 to the previous 280 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere:

..the bad news there is we may have missed the boat on "preserving
nature", as it is quite likely the global had stabilized with the
Amazonas as farmland over the last 6 to 20,000 years, rather than
jungle, the latter came as people fled stinky white men looking for
gold or died trying to flee, the happy good news is, producing farmland
soil from "thin air CO2", terra preta style, allows feeding 20 billion 
of us in the Non-negotiable American style, rather than today's 
declining food production to our currently growing 6.5 billion.  

..so, There Is Absolutely _No_ Need To Use Georgia 
As Bad Bear Bait For W.'s Big Ass War.  ;o)

..taking all fossil CO2 burned since 1600 and make farmland soil 
from it, will triple the farmland soil mass on this planet.
Big expensive job, but we are now 6.5 billion who can do it. ;o)

..and people are working on small scale solutions too:

..so, while Mankind Hopes You Yanks Has The Guts To Get It Right This
Time Like The Ukrainians Did On Their 53% Win In 2004, modelling sea
level rise and drop, as a first step, and later weather and climate,
etc, will make FG usable as a visualizing, educational and modelling 
tool, that we humans will need to form an educated opinion, on _what_ 
climate changes are happening where, _how_ do we fix these problems, 
_if_ they are problems ;o), and _what_ kinda climate do we as a race, 
will want on this planet Earth.  

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;o)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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