
> Hi All,
> After a lot of effort, and help from Tim, I've finally
> got some 3D shader-based clouds that work acceptably:
> http://www.nanjika.co.uk/flightgear/clouds.jpg
> A patch is available from here:
> http:/www.nanjika.co.uk/flightgear/clouds.tar.gz

Very nice- thanks for that! Happy to have 3d-clouds back!

> I've put quite a bit of effort into making the clouds
> as configurable as possible. The cloudlayers.xml file should
> allow any cloud-artists to create much prettier clouds than
> I have managed.

Great- so hopefully there will be soon not only livery-artists! ;-)
> There are quite a few bugs to be ironed out:-
> 1) The cloud grid should shift when the camera moves out of
> range, to simulate and infinite set of clouds. This
> doesn't work very well ATM.

ATM = At the moment? 

> 2) Currently the only well-defined clouds are cu's
> (used in the Fair Weather scenario). Better clouds need to
> be defined for all the other types. This should be possible
> with some new textures and editing of cloudlayer.xml

Textures not really a problem, shaping maybe more...
Is it possible with still fair fps to have a full cloud cover like we have when 
it is raining, thunderstorm etc.?

> 3) The alpha-blending isn't working properly
> 4) Rolling the camera while pointing vertically down on the
> cloud causes rotation of the texture.
> 5) The clouds are bit too transparent at medium distances.

Are 3.) and 5.) texture issues? I notice on the screenshot a borderline around 
each cloud part...
> Nevertheless, I think it would be worth committing the code
> with these bugs present, if only so other people can have a
> look and comment. :)

Can't test it in the moment, but would like it to see in CVS!
> Thanks to Tim and also Heiko who provided some nice cloud
> textures.

No problem- Can't wait to do some more an better ones!

> -Stuart


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