On vendredi 12 décembre 2008, Heiko Schulz wrote:
> Hi Gerad and Stuart,
> First I will comment the pics shown here:
> > http://pagesperso-orange.fr/GRTux/3DClouds-img10.jpg
> Looks bad, but maybe this is an issue of the clouds texture. The clouds are
> rather dense here- maybe too dense so it could be maybe solved with better
> cloud definition by xml and textures.
> Flickering -o.k. I can live with that. I noticed the same issue on the MSFS
> x-Demo with their clouds. But it seems that they interpolate the color and
> alpha values of the sprites which makes the clouds soft and maybe prevent
> this visible sorting we still have. And well- MSFS has money and a lot more
> people working on the clouds than we have! (X-pLane has these flickerings
> too- you can notice on a video on youtube) If I can see right- you have a
> fps of 26- that's rather high- how you did this? With this clouds I have
> around 6fps- and I have usually about 60fps.

Yes 26 fps and more, the AC is flying over the sea (far from coastline), so, 
nothing under, but the sea tile and may be , still there (not certain)  the 
Carrier Clem.

The computer and old 64 bits AMD biproc Athlon 3200 
GPU 7800 GS  500 MGZ  Agp. no booster
> Cheers



J'ai décidé d'être heureux parce que c'est bon pour la santé. 

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