> It'd be lovely if bug reports were accompanied by some
> analysis (like  
> my Bravo/GPWS investigation) of this rather than just the
> user-level  
> feedback. Obviously that's much more time consuming,
> but *someone* has  
> to do that work, ultimately.
> Regards,
> James

That's the point- you also noticed bugs on FGFS. That's o.k.- because you did 
analyze them, proposed fixings and you still work on all this. 
And it is o.k. if there is a reminder who remember us on all unfixed bugs.
But I don't like it if hey hide under the year of developement and when there 
is a release they come up and only making useless noise.... 

I have problems with his feedback because I have a private life, have to earn 
money and not the time to sit 24h daily at the computer to make the c172p 
realistic as possible. It is a work in progress and I'm at least happy to get a 
3d-model and a panel to show than the old, poor 2d-panel we used before. In the 
moment the c172p is not worser than the orignal model by David Megginson. 
Problem: because Davis is gone from the project and I took over the c172p with 
the 3d-update, I'm now the maintainer... 
If I had knew how important this model seems for FGFS, I had never began this 

There is another big project by me, the ec135 and I know that there was a lot 
of people like them. It is broken now, and I don't see any time to have them 
fully back until the release because the c172p and of course prvate life, job 
etc- well, it is chrismas time here...And that makes me a bit sad.


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