43:: CPU hog: When the sim is paused, it eats CPU cycles.  It will
 happily use 99+% of the CPU if there is no competition.  I don't
 understand why any appreciable CPU cycles are needed during pause.

44:: Memory hog: When the sim is paused, if you leave it alone for 15
 minutes or so, it starts eating virtual memory at the rate of several
 megabytes per minute.  That's a lot.  I'm talking about the "VIRT"
 quantity reported by top(1) ... in contrast to ps(1) which does not
 make the problem quite so obvious.
 I conjecture that the reason for the delay is that the sim has a
 certain amount of memory already availble on its free list, and
 the memory hog has to chew through that before new memory needs
 to be requested from the VM system.

 I observe that if the simulator is un-paused, virtual memory size
 increases for a while, then levels out.  I also observe that after an
 un-pause, it takes another 15 minutes of pause before obvious memory
 eating resumes.  These observations lead me to conjecture that some
 type of events or messages are getting backlogged during pause, but
 are belatedly processed when the pause ends, thereby freeing up some
 space on the free list.

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