On 12/25/2008 05:07 PM, James Turner wrote:
>  What I mean is, for example, EGPH has two  
> ILS-equipped runways - 06 and 24, but no marker beacons defined at  
> all. KSFO has some, but for example, 28L has an OM, while 2R has MM  
> and IM, but no outer. (in nav.dat)
> I've just checked my SimCharts, and apparently neither EGPH approach  
> plate includes any markers, so presumably the data is right, and the  
> issue is entirely my fault, for thinking that marker beacons were a  
> mandatory part of an ILS setup, when they are apparently installed on  
> a case-by-case basis, and not necessarily as complete sets of OM/MM/ 
> IM, which again I had naively assumed.

IM is not a required part of a standard ILS in the US
or Europe, and has not been for a very long time (if ever).  
It is used for Category II ILS ... which is rather rare.

MM is "normally" part of a standard ILS, but there is no
penalty for a missing MM in the US since circa 1990, and 
in Europe even longer.

OM is normally a required part of a standard ILS ... but 
there are lots of exceptions.  A point-out from airport
surveillance radar is an acceptable substitute.  An NDB 
(compass locator) is a an acceptable substitute.  DME is
an acceptable substitute ... and since both approaches 
to EGPH are "ILS/DME/NDB" approaches, we see that DME 
is the normal way of flying these approaches, and is a 
100% reasonable explanation for the lack of markers.

  The fine print on the approach plates says ATC 
  will give you radar ranges if you don't have DME.

So I don't see anything wrong with the approach plates or
with nav.dat in this example.

The percentage error rate in nav.dat is not zero, but it is 
pretty small.  My suggestion is that the code should trust
nav.dat as to the existence and location of markers et
cetera.  If nav.dat is wrong, the best way to fix it is
to distribute an updated and corrected nav.dat ... not
to build second-guessing into the code.

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