Hi all, ex-subscriber back in the fray : it's been years, and my hat off to
all involved for the leaps and bounds in bringing FGFS so far from its
humble beginnings :)

In answer to Curt's request for screenies, I have set up a public web album
on my Picassa page where I'll be uploading screenshots, both of "eye
candy/PR nature" and to illustrate problems (might put the latter in a
Glitch subfolder, or somesuch)
All the screenshots (by default, my uploaded pictures are NOT) will be under
the Creative Commons license so feel free to use them :) (remix, commercial
use, share alike are the conditions/rights)


Not much yet, but I'll be uploading regularly. Not sure if I'll keep
uploading full size images, as they eat up space quite fast. We'll see :)
Cheers, and happy flying to all !

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 3:11 PM, syd adams <adams....@gmail.com> wrote:

> another clue is the C-FGFS on the side of the cessna :)
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