setprop() did in the past check whether the write operation
was successful, and issued an error message if not. The other
property setter functions didn't care. None of the functions
returned a success value.

Yesterday I removed the built-in setprop() check, because
this message was almost never seen, but needlessly flooded
the terminal when one intentionally write-protected a target
property. (You'll soon see why this can be desirable. :-)

As a replacement I added a debug mode  (--prop:debug=1)
which re-introduces such a warning for setprop(), but now
also for props.Node.set{,Int,Bool,Double}Value(). This is
done by redefining the functions to versions that check
the return value. This return value is also new. Until
yesterday all setters returned only nil. The wrappers are,
of course, (slightly) slower than the raw functions, so
debug mode should only be turned on during development
and only to check if the code doesn't do stupid things.
(I just found such cases in the bo105. ;-)

In the future this debug mode might also wrap other
functions and add additional, annoying warnings for
potential problems which might otherwise go unnoticed.


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