* Melchior FRANZ -- 2/21/2009 9:33 AM:
> You should have used:
>       setlistener(f ~ "/serviceable", failure[f], 0, 1);

Whoops. Of course, I meant:

        setlistener(f ~ "/serviceable", failure[f], 0, 0);

The meaning of the first optional argument is:

  0 ... just attach  (default)
  1 ... attach and run initially

and that of the second is:

  0 ... trigger on change only
  1 ... trigger on writing -- independent of value (default)
  2 ... trigger on writing to node or children, as well
        as addition and removal of children

BTW: We might decide at some point that we only want to dialog-apply
if values changed, but this needs more consideration, and one broken
dialog isn't enough reason to convince me.  ;-)

BTW2: dialog-{apply,update} should handle an arbitrary number
of <object-name>, not just one.


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