So I might have done something foolish. I've been doing a bunch of 
modifications to Flightgear 1.0.0 for research purposes. I decided I should 
check out Flightgear 1.9.1 to get a feel for it, and see if there was good 
reason to port my modifications over to that system, so I just downloaded the 
pre-compiled version to try it out. 

Now 1.0.0 doesn't work anymore. When fgfs.exe is run, the following error 
immediately pops up in windows: "The procedure entry point alutLoadWAVFile 
could not be located in the dynamic link library openal32.dll." 

I've re-compiled both simgear and flightgear, no avail. I've made sure that 
openal32.dll is the same version that was there when I first got everything 
running, and is in the right place; that didn't help either. Any other 

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