How fo write an FG string property from an indexed string in a structure?

Possibly someone can help please , I have tried to find an example with no
luck, I am sure i had it working yesterday but now every way i try i end up
with it wrong at compile, a seg fault or a property node with an empty
string. The basic setup works fine with doubles ect, here i only show the
string code.

Its wrong, but this is what i want to do, where : index i is declared as an
int,  path is a node, and path[i] is a string indexed in the structure
called buf-    node->setStringValue("path",buf->path[i]);

1-The stucture called buf with indexed stings in it from the h file
    enum {
        FG_MAX_AIRCRAFT = 25
    uint32_t num_aircraft;
    string callsign[FG_MAX_AIRCRAFT];
    string path[FG_MAX_AIRCRAFT];

2- I write to the stucture with

      tempnode = node->getChild("path");
      if ( tempnode != NULL ) {
          net->path[i] =  tempnode->getStringValue();


Regards Harry
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