
Martin Spott a écrit :
> Curtis Olson wrote:
>> [....] I think the more of these material settings we can support so
>> that the model in the simulation looks just like the model in the 3d
>> modeling tool, the better life will be.
> Indeed, this will also pave the way for interchangeability between the
> various OSG-supported formats. Certainly a good move - which leaves the
> orientation of AC3D models as a remaining issue ....
> Now, we already have approx. 1k5 3D Scenery models, so chances are high
> that quite a few are affected by such a change and I'd be happy to
> apply an automated conversion if this is technically possible.
> What are we going to do about the users of our Scenery. Should we:
> a) leave the Scenery 3D models unchanged until the next software
>    release, thus leaving users of FlightGear/CVS with strange-looking
>    3D models;
> b) convert the Scenery 3D models _now_ together with the software at
>    the risk of unsatisfied users of the latest official software
>    release;
> c) sync this sort of major changes with a minor software release ?
> My vote goes to c).

I did not follow that thread carefully until today when I released few
models from me was affected by that change. I made the suggested fix (
copy rgb to amb ) as I don't have time to tweak all of them
independently. I made changes in the base package CVS repository and
they need now to be synch'ed with the scenery database.

Martin, I think that b) is preferable, and as quickly as possible. As
Mathias already said, that change won't affect users of v1.0.0 or
v1.9.1, but will improve the visual of users of the CVS snapshots.
Moreover, doing the copy now will allow future tweaking without the fear
that ambient color may be overwritten in an unknown ( but certain ) future.


Frédéric Bouvier
http://my.fotolia.com/frfoto/   Photo gallery
http://fgsd.sourceforge.net/    FlightGear Scenery Designer

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