On 9 Sep 2009, at 17:04, dave perry wrote:

> I have updated  and tested the vor.xml, vor2.xml in Instruments-3D/vor
> as well as the century3.nas in Aircraft/Generic and the corresponding
> PID controllers.  I will do the same for the AltimaticIIIC used in the
> SenecaII as I wrote the CenturyIII and AltimaticIIIC nasal and PID's
> which are very similar to the CenturyIII.  I think we will have to
> change all the nasal GS arm entries.

I agree, sadly. For some devices it's clear what arming sensitivity is  
used (eg the KAP-140 manual says '2 to 3 dots') but for others I'm  
having to make a sensible guess.

> I also am familiar with the kap140
> nasal, so I will update that also.  I have found that the parameters  
> in
> the PID controllers need to be optimised for each aircraft as the  
> plant
> changes with a change in flight model optimisation.  I am not using  
> the
> normalized property.  This made increasing the proportional gain  
> <kp> by
> 5x a very good starting point for re-optimization.  I will re-optimize
> the Cessna 172 PID file.

Okay - I don't have a strong feeling on whether using the normalised  
or degree property is more readable / understandable / maintainable in  
Nasal scripts or autopilot gains - for the KAP-140 arm logic I used  
the -norm property and a 50% threshold (i.e 2.5 dots), but that's  
partly because I wanted to test and commit now, and don't want to edit  
the files again when I remove the 5x factor (see your second email)

I'm going to do the big jets (777, 747, 787, the airbuses, and  
Concorde) next. The b1900 is also mostly done, I just want to test the  
autopilot more before committing.


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