I did a CVS update of SimGear and FG yesterday and I'm getting linker
errors, but I don't understand why?

../../src/Navaids/libNavaids.a(positioned.o): In function
std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)':
 undefined reference to 
std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Line 507 of positioned.cxx

  std::string lowerName(simgear::strutils::convertToLowerCase(aName));

and the matching strutils.cxx

        strip( const string& s )
            return do_strip( s, BOTHSTRIP );

  string convertToLowerCase(const string& str)
    // proxy onto osgDB - easy to reimplement here, but let's avoid
    // code duplication for the moment.
    return osgDB::convertToLowerCase(str);

    } // end namespace strutils
} // end namespace simgear

and by implication the cvs log reveals....

revision 1.5                                                     
date: 2009/09/26 11:44:33;  author: jmt;  state: Exp;  lines: +13 -1
Extend simgear::strutils with convertToLowerCase helper - currently a
proxy for osgDB helper of the same name.
date: 2008/04/13 21:11:44;  author: timoore;  state: Exp;  lines: +5
Fixes for compiling with gcc

Include standard header files and qualify with std:: where needed.

Add "const" to various char parameters and variables.

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