>> First, we really need better control of sound levels and balancing
>> between different sound sources. It is often impossible to hear ATIS
>> over the aircraft sounds for example. Having one master volume control
>> and volume properties on the radios is not enough. I think breaking it
>> into different groups of sounds...aircraft, radios, etc...and having
>> master controls for each would be a good solution.
> Not a bad idea. Good thing that is what I've implemented in the past
> months and which is in CVS now.

So you've already implemented separate master sound controls for
radios and aircraft and/or other groups already...such as would be
configurable from the sound config dialog? My copy of CVS doesn't
currently include the new sound system...so if so that's awesome..and
just ignore me then. ;)

>> Secondly, I think it would be beneficial to have the ability to
> >specify a sound device for a certain group. So you could, for example,
>> send aircraft sounds to your speakers, and radio sounds to a headset.
> Could be done with the current code but is low proirity for me.


> The only useful split I know of, is radio sounds separate to 
> 'cockpit/exterior' sounds.

Yes, currently only aircraft and radio sounds are logical groups, but
it's also possible others could exist in the future. So it could be
beneficial to have it setup so to be extended easily with more
independently adjustable groups down the road I guess.

> That's actually why I was working on fgcom device support on Mac - my 
> preferred setup is FG sounds from my line out
> (which goes to speakers, including a sub, for nice rumble) and all fgcom 
> through my USB headset. Unfortunately this
> doesn't work due to aforementioned OpenAL laziness on the part of Apple ... 
> so I'm stuck with fgcom coming out of the main
> speakers, which is much header to discern above cockpit / engine noise .... 
> just like RL I guess.

This is exactly my setup in linux already, flightgear outputs to my
surround sound system, and fgcom outputs to my usb headset. I also
have it configured so I can use fgcom with comm1 and comm2
simultaneously, comm1 to left channel, comm2 to right
channel...selectable at run time which I transmit on. So if I could
get flightgear to send radio sounds to my headset as well I'd be a
very happy guy.. :)

> Anyway, since fgcom is a separate process, this is not much to do with FG - 
> except that ideally ATIS and other services would *also* > be delivered via 
> FGCom, which would clean up a whole bunch of things.

It would be neat if fgcom (or future replacement) implemented atis
somehow. Yet not everyone uses fgcom so flightgear needs it's own atis
still obviously, which might lead to strange results when I tune my
radio to atis and flightgear AND fgcom start giving me weather info at
the same time. :D

> To go a bit into the technical details:
> It is already possible to create a second SoundMgr class and initialize
> it with a different device name. Now you have two different sound output
> devices to which you can assign SampleGroups to.

This sounds really good, so the code to make independant groups with
different devices is there....just needs an interface configurable
through gui to manage it. It would be awesome to have the sound config
dialog show a master volume slider for each group, as well as a drop
down to select a device for that group. If changing the devices at run
time is problematic, command line options to set it at start up would
be acceptable as well I guess.


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