> Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2010 16:10:33 -0800 (PST)
> From: "J. Holden" <stattosoftw...@yahoo.com>
> This software (C) 2001-2010 FlightGear
> Licensed under the GPLv2.
> Cheers
> John

>leee wrote:
> > John, in referring to "our" software, I'm afraid that you're missing
> > the point of the GPL. Once the software has been released under
> > the GPL it isn't 'ours' or anyone else's anymore; it is owned by no
> > one.
>Incorrect, the author is still holding the Copyright, as long as he
>didn't explicitly transfer it to someone else. The "point of the GPL"
>is the license which is controlling under which terms the software may
>be used. Therefore it's called the "General Public LICENSE" ;-)

Actually, the GPL has nothing to do with how one uses the software. It only
covers the terms under which one may distribute the software. You can mangle
it any way you want and keep the changes to yourself while being perfectly
legal, so long as you don't distribute the software with those changes.

Having said that, I dislike assigning my copyrights to another entity as that
takes away my personal ability to ensure the freedom of my own code. It gives
another entity the right to re-license my code any way it sees fit, which
doesn't sit will with me. If such a policy was enacted, it would deter my
enthusiasm about contributing to the project.

There is nothing which prevents us, as a group, from protecting the software
within the confines of the GPL.

Just my opinion, which means jack until I get my code and models committed.


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