Hi folks,
   I'm working on a US-government-funded flight planner for a NASA airborne
astronomy mission (SOFIA).  Airborne astronomy has worked in true headings
for over 30 years due to ever-antiquated NASA INS systems, but the spec has
recently changed to magnetic.  So, I get to code up a magnetic variation
   SimGear has one, and it's simpler than anything else out there.
Unfortunately, it claims GPLv2.  That would force NASA's hand at releasing
the planner code publicly, not something I can do as a contractor (nor
would it be useful to anyone -- AFAIK, SOFIA is the only airworthy aircraft
in existence that does not fly the wind triangle).  So, I seek permission to
use the pair of files coremag.hxx and coremag.cxx without releasing the "entire
   I would like to modify it to read coefficients from a file, so we can
update it to stay consistent with our FMS, to localize the namespace, and
to excise it from SimGear (no SG #includes).  I will ask if I can contribute
this to the SimGear project, but it's not very likely.
   Please e-mail in addition to replying to the list.

Much appreciated.

Michael A. K. Gross


Michael A. K. Gross                                Fat manuals are a reliable
Scientific Software Systems Specialist (S4)        symptom of failure.
Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy    -- Niklaus Wirth, 10/20/04
NASA/Ames Research Center, MS 211-3
Moffett Field, CA 94035                            Tel: +1 (650) 604-4975
mgr...@mail.sofia.usra.edu                         Fax: +1 (650) 604-0985

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