1) I closed the bug-tracker issue concerning the taxiway
 signs.  That's all good.

2) Alas there are other scenery elements that still
 exhibit an improper dependence on camera tilt angle.

in contrast to

In particular, look at the lamp post just to the right
of the tan building, directly above the aircraft compass.
Its appearance changes dramatically as a function of
camera tilt angle.

  Note that I have gone to some trouble to control for
  variables that might _properly_ affect the appearance.
  The illumination is not changing, and the point-of-view
  location is not changing.  Only the camera tilt angle
  is changing in the example screenshots cited above.
  Object appearance should not depend on this.

I don't have any first-hand understanding of what's going 
on, but it is easy to hypothesize that the lamp-posts are
afflicted by the same disease the afflicted the taxiway
signs.  Or not.  In any case, this is a definite opportunity
for improvement, since the unstable appearance is quite 
noticeable to pilots who are just taxiing along, minding 
their own business.

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