On Fri, 21 May 2010, Peter Morgan wrote:

> a restart is also required after a DNS change of a server, or a new one etc.
> Is there a way to "reset" an mpserver remotely?
> eg reloading config every hour or remote telnet command ?

No and yes. :)
There is no way built into fgms (and adding one would require thinking 
about the security implications) but I would guess that most fgms 
administrators have remote access to the box that runs the server.

IIRC fgms can almost but not quite reload the configuration file when 
receiving a hangup (SIG_HUP) signal. Fixing that and/or adding the 
function to re-resolve the relay names each day (or so) could be useful.

Something related: 06 changed IP address last weekend so servers that 
haven't been restarted since need to be restarted to relay correctly.


Anders Gidenstam
WWW: http://www.gidenstam.org/FlightGear/


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