Le 28/08/2010 20:01, Vivian Meazza a écrit :
> jean pellotier wrote:
>> currently we can only refuel by mp behing a "MOBIL" plane, with a plane
>> having the "multiplay/tanker" set.
>> here's a proposal that permit to use any callsign (yes i know in this
>> case the tanker will not have a tacan working), and any plane,  for
>> exemple the tanker pilot can cut the probe/drogue alimentation, or with
>> adding a refueling pod any plane can become a tanker ....
>> if a c++ guru can have a look and commit (any comment welcome, my c++
>> skills are just at a beguinner state).
>> the victor is waiting for this (or something similar), with a refuelling
>> available by mp only when the drogue is out .
> It is already the case that any aircraft can become a tanker simply by using
> a callsign starting "MOBIL"
by using the callsign MOBIL, we just have a tacan, and are able to be 
used as tanker only if the plane has multiplay/tanker set to true, so 
this only works for some planes (victor, c130 and kc135), and to have a 
working refueling, the tanker pilot must have a MOBIL callsign.
> I'm not quite sure what you want here. Would I be correct in saying that you
> want to be able to switch the tanker status on and off over MP? If so - I
> think that is a good idea, and one that was intended from the outset, but
> never got implemented. (I cant remember why - I think it just got lost).
I want two things: permit a working refueling with whatever callsign you 
want, even if the tacan can only be used with MOBIL callsigns, and the 
second is to be able to switch the tanker on/off status while flying, eg 
if your drogue is not deployed (got the victor ready for this), or if 
you are low in fuel (for the day the tanker fuel content will be 
impacted by the refueling).

Another concern is that in case we are using a refueling pod, a lots of 
planes can be used as casual tankers.
> If so I'll get on the case.
if so many thanks.
> Vivian

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