On 11 Oct 2010, at 13:36, Martin Spott wrote:

> Hehe, I'm still looking for a place to drop those features which are already
> availale from our Landcover-DB.  This is just the SQL prompt, but it's no
> big deal casting this into some CGI - for those people who don't mind having
> internet connection and using a HTTP-request:
> landcover=> SELECT navaid  AS "ID", freq as "Frequency", asText(wkb_geometry) 
> AS "Lon/Lat"
> landcover-> FROM apt_navaid
> landcover-> WHERE wkb_geometry && ST_Buffer(
> landcover(>     (SELECT wkb_geometry FROM apt_airfield WHERE icao LIKE 
> 'KSFO'), 0.05

Hmm, except this is duplicating data that is built locally, without requiring 
an HTTP connection, in the FGPositioned code. (Of course, it's built from 
apt.dat and nav.dat, which might be generated from the Landcover-DB). And it 
exposes the database structure directly to Nasal, which sounds like a long-term 
support nightmare.

Not saying this isn't useful, but I'd rather everything in the app used the 
same data source (the FGPositioned 'database' and its query functions), and 
then we can change the implementation of that if required - for example, a 
caching version which queries the Landcover-DB for the data, instead of loading 
apt.dat and nav.dat each startup.


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