To whom it may concern,
I note that you are hosting articles created by author Dan H Freeman. Please be 
aware that Mr Freeman appears to be running a scam. He says he is behind 
ProFlightSimulator, or software with variations on that name. The software can 
be purchased over the internet, and various claims are made as to it be being 
the most realistic simulator ever. In reality this software is nothing but a 
copy of open-source flight simulator FlightGear (fgfs), and an out-of-date 
verison of that at best. That fact is barely conceded or alluded to on his 
Please also be aware that "Dan H Freeman" may be an alias. Previously the name 
"Charlie Taylor" was used on his website, but was recently removed after I 
linked that name back to a historical figure in aviation history, Charles E 
Taylor, the "3rd Wright Brother", whose work ensured the Wright Flyer was able 
to take to the air. It is my belief that other opensource softwares are being 
scammed by this same person or organization. A software named Celestia (an 
opensource astronomy software) has also been "copied", and the person mentioned 
on the website for that copy ("John Bayer") also relates to a historical figure 
in astronomy, Johann Bayer, who created the first complete celestial atlas 
hundreds of years ago. It is obvious that the names put forward for each 
software are taken from historical data related to each software, in an attempt 
to hide who the scammer really is.
FlightGear is released under the GPL v2, which allows some concessions to 
selling the software. However it is my belief, and the belief of a number of 
people within the FlightGear opensource community, that the conditions of the 
GPL v2 licence are not being followed completely with the sale and distribution 
of this software.
Hence I would like to request that you consider removing Mr Freemans articles 
from your website until such time as the validity of his enterprise is 
determined. However legal Mr Freemans enterprise may or may not be, his ethical 
and moral standing is without doubt very poor. There are a number of people who 
recently have attested to being ripped off by this man, so to prevent more 
people losing money to this scam please consider this request seriously.
Best regards,
Chris Wilkinson, Brisbane, Australia.
FlightGear community member.

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