On 7 Dec 2010, at 23:50, Jari Häkkinen wrote:

> A 32bit FlightGear will work without any message. The issue is trivially 
> removed by renaming methods named applicationWillTerminate in a few places 
> (see the attached patch for details).
> I have search the Net for an explanation for the problem with no success.
> Can some one apply the patch to repository 
> https://macflightgear.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/macflightgear/trunk/FlightGearOSX
>  ? It resolves the 64bit problem and does not affect i386 binaries.
> Another way to resolve the issue is simply to continue compile the startup 
> GUI for 32bit (i386) architecture rather than x86_64. But where is the beauty 
> in that?

Only Tatsuhiro (Macfligthgear.org maintainer) has commit access there, and my 
knowledge of RubyCocoa is zero, I'm afraid. Personally I could live with 32-bit 
launcher; indeed, I'm still planning to distribute FG as 32-bit for the next 
release, since I don't think 64-bit gains us anything - it's not like there's a 
runtime overhear for running 32-bit apps.

The actual error looks like a 32-bit / 64-bit selector mismatch, and 
applicationWillTerminate is a built-in selector (on NSApplicationDelegate, I 
*think*), so I worry that you're really hitting a deeper issue in the RubyCocoa 

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